The winners of the first show of 2024, Ethnic Visions, were announced during the reception on Saturday, 1/20. The Carolina Artist Gallery is very appreciative of the work done by the show director Kathleen Dentinger and the careful considerations of our show judge, Joyce Stratton, during her selection process. Joyce noted "I chose the pieces that moved me in some way, or made me want to know more, leaving room for the viewer to add to the story."
The winners are:
Honorable Mention - Tracey Penrod for "Ramen." The judges comments were "Made me hungry, this is a delicious feast for the eye. Rich luscious color."

Honorable Mention - Neal Stetson for "Faces of Construction." The judge commented "This photo was beautifully composed. I appreciated the narrative of different generations and different races working side by side."

3rd Place - Bobbie Sheller for "Main Street." The judges comments were "Great composition that added to a feeling of sadness and loneliness maybe even despair, beautifully painted."

2nd Place - Janet Coleman for "New World Trilogy." The judge commented "Quirky and beautiful, elegant and raw at the same time, made me smile. Wonderful texture."

1st Place - Liz Morton for " Rain Goddess of Maui." The judges comments were "Haunting, mysterious, compelling, I was drawn to the eyes, I kept going back to this piece wanting to know more, wanting to know why it made me feel a little unsettled and a little off balance. Loved the surface treatment."

Congratulations to our winning entries. Thank you to all the great artists and their entries in the Ethnic Visions Show. Come by to see for yourselves the remarkable artistry on display.
Ethnic Visions Reception
The Arts Council of Carteret County represented by our Executive Director, Beverly Snowden, was pleased to welcome the Crystal Coast Community Choir directed by Al Norwood. This group provided a very spirited performance of several gospel pieces. The performance was followed by Al Norwood providing a presentation of a history of African American musical influences on popular American music dating back to 1600. The very talented Al Norwood shares his talents with the Arts Council as a member of the Board of Directors.
We were fortunate to also have the esteemed Ben Watford, a potter and author, in attendance during the reception. He provided a brief talk on life growing up in North Carolina and his career in the far north as a teacher of the sciences. His passion was pottery as evidenced by the table of Face Jugs he brought to the gallery for sale.
Please enjoy the below collection of photos from the Ethnic Visions Reception. Click on the photo to see the slide show.