The awards for our second show of 2024, Pieces and Parts, were announced during the Reception on Saturday 3/09. The Carolina Artists Gallery acknowledges the support provided by the show director Dave Slyck and his team, Sherry Clark and J Ipock. Our Judge, Mairin Gwyn was in attendance at the Reception and warmly received.
The winners are:
Honorable Mention - J Ipock for "Fred." The judges comments were "The reuse of metal was very clever and the subject looks at attention which is engaging to me as a viewer."

Honorable Mention - Lizzy Lawrence for "whataboutapuss." The judges comments were " I kept walking by this piece wondering what it was made of, which I think is the beautiful thing about upcycled work. Also the repetition of the wires is very successful."

Third Place - Richard VonHoorn for "African Queen." The judge said "This piece has lots of different found objects and materials repeated throughout, yet they are cohesive in terms of color and shape."

Second Place - Charlotte's Daughters for "String Symphony." The judge remarked "This piece is hung like a traditional textile but instead of textile there is string glass! Makes me think each string is a remnant from other glass pieces."

First Place - Susan Meyers for "Illusions." The judge commented "This piece stuck out to me because of the balance and the continuity of the line from the back canvas to the front, as well as the repetition of the nails. Strong formally."

Congratulations to our Pieces & Parts Show Awardees! Thank you to all the wonderful artists who participated in this show. The Pieces & Parts Show will run through April 20th giving everyone time to come by and see this collection of creative art.